
Engati Logo


Engati is reimagining the customer experience (CX) with machine learning intelligence and automation. Engati is a Customer experience platform powered by Conversational Automation and AI to reimagine the customer journey across  Acquisition, Engagement and Retention.

Engati integrates automation with the human touch to help you craft personalized customer experiences

PeopleHum Logo


peopleHum is an end-to-end platform for new age employee experience (EX) with machine learning, workflow automation and one view of the organization across teams and associates.
peopleHum is an end-to-end AI and automation driven Hire to Retire HR software for Human Resources to drive business results.

With peopleHum, we aim to create seamless employee experiences that go beyond the HR silos. Whether it’s hiring, onboarding, engagement or performance, peopleHum helps in centralizing employee data and automating transactional tasks in order for HR to keep pace.
Quinbay Logo


Quinbay provides deep scale capabilities and proficiencies in building custom scale based platforms in eCommerce, supply chain, mobile, and analytics with 450+ employees.
piMonk Logo


With piMonk - Scale platforms, Adopt Automation for your business, Move to the cloud, Make most of the data - The New Gold, drive DevOps as a lifeline, Binding all the future of tech using AI ML and Design thinking.


leadersHum is a free community that enables global leaders, thinkers and coaches to voice their opinion through blogs, videos, ebooks, etc. We now have 10,000+ leaders shaping their skills through our platform.
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At the forefront of Innovation, lies engatica, a community of like-minded innovators on a mission to educate, inform & innovate. Get unlimited access to exclusive insights now!
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